10 advantages of start-up coaching with AVGS funding

Use free AVGS coaching to set up or optimize your business


Start-up coaching, which is supported by an activation and placement voucher (AVGS), offers numerous advantages for prospective founders and existing self-employed persons. The most important advantages of open start-up coaching carried out by a team of coaches are presented below, with a special focus on individual coaching, the use of experts and hybrid methods.

The advantages of AVGS start-up coaching at avgs-coaching.de by AVOCONS GmbH

1. individual support and customized assistance

Open start-up coaching makes it possible to respond to the individual needs and challenges of each founder. Through personal support and tailored assistance, specific problems can be identified and solved in a targeted manner.

2. individual coaching for customized solutions

Individual coaching ensures that the coach can concentrate fully on the specific needs of the founder. This intensive support leads to tailor-made solutions and significantly increases the start-up’s chances of success.

3. development of a viable business concept

A central component of start-up coaching is the development of a robust business concept. With the support of an experienced coaching team, a plan is drawn up that not only facilitates the start-up itself, but also ensures long-term economic success.

4. overcoming hurdles and stumbling blocks

There are many hurdles and stumbling blocks between the idea and the actual start-up. Professional coaching helps to identify these and get them out of the way. This significantly increases the chances of a successful start.

5. support for existing self-employed persons

AVGS start-up coaching is aimed not only at new entrepreneurs, but also at existing self-employed people who are not yet economically successful. It offers support to optimize self-employment and create a sustainable economic basis..

6. support through the AVGS

Funding with an AVGS does not incur any direct costs for participants. This also gives less well-off people access to professional coaching and significantly increases their chances of success.

7. Teamwork and diverse perspectives

A coaching team brings in different perspectives and expertise, which increases the quality of the coaching. By working together as a team, complex problems can be viewed from different angles and effective solutions can be developed.

8. involvement of technical experts

Successful start-up coaching should make use of various experts. These bring specialized knowledge in areas such as finance, marketing, law and business management, which leads to comprehensive and well-founded coaching.

9. hybrid coaching: the benefits of flexibility

A hybrid coaching model that includes both face-to-face meetings and online sessions offers maximum flexibility and efficiency. This method makes it possible to save time and resources while ensuring continuous support, regardless of geographical restrictions.

10. support for those on top-up benefits

So-called top-up recipients who still require transfer payments also benefit from start-up coaching. It helps them to improve their economic situation and become independent of state support.


AVGS start-up coaching offers comprehensive support for founders and existing self-employed people. Through individual support, one-to-one coaching, the involvement of experts and hybrid implementation, tailor-made solutions are developed that lay the foundations for a successful start to self-employment. Thanks to AVGS funding, this offer is accessible to many people and opens up new career prospects for them.

For more information, you can visit the official website for start-up coaching: https://avgs-coaching.de/coachings/gruendercoaching/

Published On: 19. July 2024 / Categories: start-up coaching /