AVGS Coaching

AVGS Coaching

  • AVGS Coaching - AVGS Coaching - Gründungscoachings mit AVGS-Förderung

Legal options for obtaining an activation and placement voucher (AVGS) in Germany

Legal options for obtaining an activation and placement voucher (AVGS) in Germany Introduction The Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) is an important instrument of employment promotion in Germany that helps jobseekers to orient themselves professionally and improve their chances on the labor market. This article explains the legal requirements and the process for obtaining an AVGS. What is an AVGS? An AVGS is a voucher issued by the Federal Employment ...

25. July 2024|Uncategorized|

start-up coaching with AVGS funding

10 advantages of start-up coaching with AVGS fundingUse free AVGS coaching to set up or optimize your businessIntroductionStart-up coaching, which is supported by an activation and placement voucher (AVGS), offers numerous advantages for prospective founders and existing self-employed persons. The most important advantages of open start-up coaching carried out by a team of coaches are presented below, with a special focus on individual coaching, the use of experts and hybrid ...

  • AVGS Businesscoaching kostenlos bundesweit

AVGS individual coaching

Why AVGS individual coaching should always take place on a one-to-one basis In today's fast-paced and demanding world of work, the need for individual development and personal support is more important than ever. Coaching has established itself as an effective method for achieving professional and personal goals, overcoming blockages and realising your full potential. In particular, individual coaching subsidised by an activation and placement voucher (AVGS) offers unique advantages. ...

16. May 2024|Uncategorized|
  • AVGS Jobcoaching kostenlos bundesweit

The job coaching success story

How individual support is revolutionising the labour market Today, the German labour market is more dynamic than ever before. To be successful in this environment, it is crucial to have the right tools and support. This is where AVGS job coaching comes into play, an instrument that has proven to be extremely effective in guiding jobseekers on their path to success. What is AVGS job coaching? AVGS job coaching ...

16. May 2024|Jobcoaching|