Here, you can find answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding AVGS.

AVGS Coaching - Informationen

Yes, there are special coachings for various target groups such as migrants, single parents, older job seekers, and people with disabilities or health challenges. Also, for those who want to prepare for a professional exam or want to get a taste of a specific industry before starting, we offer industry coaching.

Yes, there are special AVGS coachings for migrants to overcome language and cultural barriers and promote integration into the job market.

Yes, there are special coachings tailored to the needs of people with disabilities to help them utilize their skills in the job market. For example, our life and health coaching can provide important impulses.

Yes, there are special coachings tailored to the needs of single parents. It may also be possible to bring your child to the coaching.

Yes, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and time management are often part of coaching.

Yes, many participants report improved job market opportunities, successful applications, and new career opportunities.

Some of our coaches offer flexible times, including weekend sessions. Discuss your availability with your coach. Sometimes the office does not allow this.

Our coaching programs are also certified for digital consultation/coaching. While it is good to work face-to-face with you, a mix of sessions/appointments that take place digitally via Meets, Teamleader, Zoom, WhatsApp, Hangouts, Skype, etc., is not a problem for us. Especially if you live in different places than your coach or are on the move, online coaching is advantageous.

Yes, discuss with your coach whether additional services such as training courses or psychological support are useful for you.

No, because you can only carry out one measure at a time.

We are proud to have achieved an exceptionally high success rate with our business plans at the offices. If you want to start a business and receive a grant or entry-level funding, you will receive the grant with a positive expert opinion and viable concept. In coaching, we develop all necessary documents for this.

If it also seems useful from the coach’s point of view, you can, for example, bring your (business) partner with you. This is not the rule, but it is possible with us.

Yes, you can cancel the coaching at any time, but it is advisable to discuss this with your coach and us, whether, for example, a coach change or another type of one-on-one coaching is more effective.

Yes, you can cancel or pause the coaching if you start further training. Discuss this with your coach and employment agent.

If the chemistry is not right or other experts are needed, a coach change is not only possible but also sensible for your success. Therefore, a change of coach is possible. To plan the best solution for continuing the coaching, please let us know your wish in good time.

Yes, you can change the coach in consultation with us if you are dissatisfied.

As one of the few coaching providers, we work with hundreds of certified coaches. Therefore, you can also complete your individual coaching program with various coaches. Mix your coach team as it makes sense. We are happy to advise you on this. Write to the coaches you are interested in directly via the contact form on the coach profile to arrange a non-binding initial meeting.

Yes, you can choose your coach as long as they are certified by the Employment Agency or Jobcenter.

Why not? Just suggest a date or a rhythm to your coach, and together you will check what makes sense. For short-term appointment arrangements, you may need to be more flexible.

Yes, unlike other providers, we also offer online coaching that can be conducted flexibly and independently of location.

Many coaches offer support even after the official coaching period to ensure that you achieve your goals in the long term.

Yes, many coaches offer regional services. You can search for coaches near you or use online coaching. Just use our filter.

Yes, you can choose coaching that is specialized in your desired industry to acquire specific knowledge and skills. Our industry coaching helps you gain the right expertise for your desired industry, for example, to prepare for qualification exams.

Of course, advice is possible before coaching. We are happy to advise before the start of coaching, discuss the process, and answer all questions. Just contact us and you will get a short-term appointment proposal for a free initial consultation.

Of course, because it is important that the chemistry between you is right. Therefore, you can have an orientation and introductory conversation with a coach and then decide. Simply write to your desired coach via the contact form. If available, your desired coach will contact you shortly, and you will have the opportunity to get to know the coach beforehand. If you have no idea who might be suitable for you, we will be happy to advise you and make appropriate suggestions.

We offer mentoring programs or consultation packages that provide additional support after coaching, for example with coaching on the job or free consulting.

Yes, regular feedback is an essential part of coaching and helps you monitor and improve your progress.

Yes, talk to your employment agent about the possibility of repeating the coaching or applying for another measure.

The start of coaching depends on the availability of your desired coach and the approval of your AVGS. After the voucher is available, we will jointly agree on the start and end of the coaching.

Yes, additional training can be useful and should be discussed with your coach and employment agent. However, these are maximal further training courses and not additional AVGS measures.

Yes, career starters can also benefit from AVGS Coaching to ease the transition into professional life. However, this is only possible with certain measures.

Yes, you can take a job during the coaching. Inform your coach and employment agent about your new job to adjust the coaching accordingly. The coaching ends with the start of employment. Therefore, inform us or your coach in good time before the start of the contract.

Yes, coaching can support you in a career change and show you new perspectives. Feel free to use our orientation coaching for this.

Many of our coaches offer coaching in different languages. Simply use our language filter.

Yes, the coaching can be done flexibly part-time according to your individual needs.

As part of the business or start-up coaching, you will receive a free expert opinion for the agency or Jobcenter. We commission this from an independent expert office.

After successful completion of the coaching, you will receive a signed certificate of participation from our AVGS team with the duration and content of the coaching program conducted.

Everything we have worked out together is available to you as files or data carriers. This includes, for example, application portfolios, business plans, analyses, scripts, checklists, etc.

It is possible to use tablets or laptops as part of the consultation on the topic of “digital skills”.

Your coach will prepare you through simulations, feedback, and self-presentation techniques for job interviews. You can learn more in the free initial consultation with your desired coach.

Sessions are usually individually planned and can take place in person, by phone, or online. The office usually requires at least 2 sessions per week.

AVGS Coaching helps you set clear career goals, optimize your application documents, and prepare for job interviews, which increases your chances in the job market.

A coach can teach you stress management techniques and help you find a balanced relationship between work and private life.

AVGS Coaching for the self-employed offers support in business development, marketing strategies, financial planning, and legal questions.

Your coach will help you create a professional resume and appealing cover letters and adapt them to the requirements of the current job market.

Research online on our coach page, read the coach’s text and watch introduction videos, and talk to several coaches to find the one that best suits your needs.

Discuss with your coach how your family can support you and whether they should participate in certain sessions.

Be actively involved, set clear goals, use the feedback from your coach, and consistently apply what you have learned.

Success can be measured by achieving your goals, such as successful job interviews or entry into employment or a successful start-up.

As far as we are concerned, immediately. But usually, we need the original voucher first. You can send it to us in advance via chat, email, WhatsApp, or upload. Plan about 1-2 weeks for approval by the office.

Continue to set clear goals, seek regular feedback, and use the learned techniques to stay motivated.

You apply for the AVGS with your responsible employment agent or case manager at the Employment Agency or Jobcenter. Feel free to use our application form. We help you with the application and send you an offer that you can forward to your responsible processing office.

You can find hundreds of certified AVGS coaches through our filter.

Talk to your employment agent who will assess your situation and suggest suitable measures. You can also conduct initial interviews with different coaches. Use the appropriate filter for this.

Prepare by clearly defining your goals and expectations and providing relevant documents.

In the initial interview, your current situation, goals, and needs are discussed. It serves to create an initial individual coaching plan and to explore the prerequisites for coaching with us.

AVGS Coachings are generally very flexible and can be adapted to your individual needs and schedules. However, you should plan for at least 2 appointments per week as this is the requirement of the offices.

Your coach will document the progress and results of the coaching and regularly submit reports to the Employment Agency or Jobcenter.

Quality is ensured through AZAV certification and regular reviews by the Employment Agency or Jobcenter. We also continuously learn through exchange with hundreds of coaches, for example in our regular coach meetings and training sessions.

Success is measured by your progress and the achievement of coaching goals, such as successful job interviews or entry into employment or a successful start-up.

The duration of the coaching varies depending on the measure and individual need; it can range from a few hours to several months.

Coachings have different durations. Usually, a coaching lasts 1-6 months, but it can also be shorter if needed. Our coachings usually have a scope of 48-160 teaching units (UE), that is 36-120 hours. So, there is plenty of time to achieve a lot.

The processing time can vary, usually it takes a few weeks for your application to be decided. If you prepare well for the meeting and present your reasons for the need for coaching, you can speed it up.

The validity is indicated on the voucher. Within this time, the voucher must be redeemed, or the coaching started.

The appointment planning is done individually in consultation with your chosen coach. Usually, there are at least 2 appointments per week.

The frequency of sessions is individually agreed upon and depends on your needs and the offer of the coach. Usually, at least 2 appointments per week are held.

There is no fixed limit, but your employment agent decides on the need for further measures. In coordination with the coach and us, we can also apply for follow-up vouchers to extend the coaching.

Each participant in our Start-up Coaching A-Z program receives a digital business plan upon request. This is intended to show you a feasible and economic path and come across professionally to interested parties such as the agency/Jobcenter or bank.

Yes, there are special coachings tailored to the needs of older job seekers, helping them to optimally utilize their experience and skills.

Yes, there are special coaching measures to support the self-employed, such as start-up consulting to improve the business, make it viable, or transition from partial self-employment to full self-employment. You can apply for our start-up coaching or a special coaching for women in secondary business. Generally, self-employed individuals do not receive an AVGS.

You should actively participate in the coaching measures and keep the agreed appointments. It is advisable to always communicate with the coach about current developments between the individual coaching sessions.

AVGS Coaching offers individual support in job search and career orientation. One-on-one coaching will show you perspectives and help you take the next right steps into a successful future.

The contents are tailored to your individual needs and can include application training, career orientation, qualification, and much more.

Common topics include application strategies, career orientation, self-marketing, networking, start-up, life, health, and personal development.

Success rates can vary, but many participants report improved job market opportunities and successful placements. We have thousands of successful coachings to draw from and provide insights to you as well. One thing is certain: “You will be smarter after the coaching than before.”

Business coaching supports entrepreneurs in optimizing their projects. This can include revising a business plan, financial plan, or developing strategies to increase sales and reduce costs.

Job coaching includes support from an expert in the areas of application training, optimal application documents, job search, interview preparation, and contract negotiations. The goal is to have the new dream job in sight at the end of the coaching.

Start-up coaching prepares for a viable start-up. In addition to market and competition analysis, marketing and pricing strategies are discussed and compiled into a business concept.

For coaching, you usually need your resume, certificates, application letters, and other relevant documents such as a business plan (if already available) if you wish to start a business.

You need proof of your unemployment, your customer number at the office, and possibly other individual documents.

First, you need a valid activation and placement voucher, which is issued to bring you closer to self-employment or the job market. You can apply for the application or offer here.

The process depends on your individual goals, but usually includes an initial interview, setting goals, regular coaching sessions, and a final evaluation of your progress.

An expert opinion is required, for example, to classify the business plan as viable. For this, the Employment Agency or Jobcenter uses independent experts such as the Chamber of Commerce, tax consultants, or auditors. We can prepare the expert opinion for you. This is included in the coaching programs at AVGS Coaching and does not have to be paid separately.

The coaching is free for you as the costs are covered by the AVGS from the office.

AVGS stands for activation and placement voucher from the Employment Agency or Jobcenter to bring you closer to the job market or to start a self-employed activity. The voucher certifies that you do not have to pay for a qualification measure. The costs are covered by the Employment Agency or Jobcenter and directly settled with certified measure providers like us.

Providers who carry out or have carried out labor market promotion measures themselves require approval according to AZAV. This applies regardless of whether they want to participate in tenders or offer voucher measures. Approval is granted by expert bodies certified by the German Accreditation Body. We are, of course, AZAV certified.

Career coaching includes support from an expert in the areas of application training, optimal application documents, job search, interview preparation, and contract negotiations with hints and strategy developments.

Job placement includes support in finding a job. In addition to the Employment Agency and Jobcenters, private job market service providers can also be commissioned with placement in employment. The use of a private mediator is voluntary and based on success. Our coach Janine Eichberg can gladly support you here.

Coaching is a generic term for various consulting methods aimed at developing one’s own solutions. Good coaches also provide practical tips and tricks as well as actionable tools. Coaching refers to structured conversations between a coach and a client dealing with career finding, life orientation, or start-up options.

The goals are individual and can range from career orientation, improving application documents, a successful start-up to preparation for job interviews or exams. We want to shape your future and define and achieve your personal goals in career development.

Goals can include improving your application techniques, career reorientation, preparing for job interviews, and building self-confidence. Successful start-ups or measures to improve job market chances with health restrictions are also possible.

We check the voucher for validity and content and contact you immediately. You can then send the original to our headquarters. We fill out the voucher, send it to your office, and wait for approval. You will receive this by post within about 10 days. Then the coaching can start.

Inform your coach in advance about your absence so that the sessions can be rescheduled accordingly.

Discuss the reasons with your coach and adjust your plan to better achieve your goals. Sometimes it is also possible to apply for a follow-up voucher to extend the coaching.

If you find a job during the coaching, you can cancel the coaching or continue it in consultation with your coach, your employer, and employment agent. We can also support you with our “Coaching on the job” program to accompany and secure your new employment.

Inform your coach and your employment agent immediately and provide a medical certificate if necessary. You can also send it to us at avgs@avocons.de.

It is not a problem to be sick or on vacation during coaching. We coordinate all appointments and possible replacement appointments in time and can also react flexibly at short notice. The important thing is that we adhere to the given hours and deadlines as well as possible minimum appointments per week.

If you miss an appointment, contact your coach or us immediately to arrange a new appointment.

Inform your coach and your employment agent about the move. You may be able to continue coaching online or find a new coach in your new region. Feel free to use our filter for this.

If your application is rejected, you can file an objection or inquire about alternative support offers. Please send us the rejection so that we can jointly consider the next steps.

Inform your coach about technical problems. Many coaches can provide technical support or suggest alternative solutions. You can also contact our AVGS team at avgs@avocons.de or at 0800 2662867.

Discuss your needs with your coach and your employment agent to check for further support options. It may be possible to receive a follow-up voucher to extend the coaching or change the type or content.

Measures can be carried out by state or private education providers, private job intermediaries, or employers. The participant continues to be entitled to unemployment benefit or unemployment benefit II but is not statistically considered unemployed as they are not available to the labor market.

Measures for activation and career integration support participants in finding and taking up employment. They are intended to bring people closer to the training and job market or remove placement obstacles.

A placement voucher is a voucher for social security employment placement by private job intermediaries. It has nothing to do with qualification or individual coaching.

A viability test assesses whether a start-up project can cover the founder’s living expenses in the foreseeable future. Without viability, there is no start-up grant or entry-level funding.

An approval is a formal letter from the cost bearer (e.g., Jobcenter or Employment Agency) that you and we receive after the AVGS has been sent to the cost bearer. With the approval and the coaching period specified in it, we can then start the coaching.

An integration course offers special support for migrants to overcome language and cultural barriers and facilitate integration into the labor market.

AVGS Coaching is a measure financed by an activation and placement voucher (AVGS) to support you in your job search and career orientation. With us, you always receive one-on-one coaching. Completely individualized.

Entry-level funding is a state subsidy that can be provided as a supplement to ALG II benefits when taking up self-employment or social security employment.

Orientation coaching helps you find strengths, weaknesses, and solutions and provides guidance on whether the path to a known profession or self-employment is the right one.

The coach mix allows you to use the hour budget for multiple coaches. At AVGS-Coaching.de, you can mix your coach from experts in different areas. The main coach coordinates this.

An AVGS is specifically for activation and placement, while regular training is intended for qualification and further training in the current field of work.

In addition to a comprehensive analysis of your resume and ideas, strategies are developed to optimize your documents to reach the job market. We also conduct photo shoots, help with interview preparation and contract negotiations, and provide our expertise and network to you.

Our program is called Start-up Coaching A-Z and deals with all the necessary questions of a start-up. Together we create a comprehensive business concept that includes market and competition analyses, marketing and pricing strategies, as well as questions about legal form, founder personality, sales, location, and finances. With the business plan and the expert opinion, you can then apply for grants.

The start-up grant is a discretionary benefit that can provide additional liquidity for living expenses for 6 months for full-time founders. It is in the amount of the last received unemployment benefit I plus 300 euros for social security. After 6 months, it can be extended for 9 months.

Long-term benefits can include a stable professional position, increased self-confidence, and expanded professional skills.

Coaches use various methods such as one-on-one conversations, workshops, simulations, and practical exercises to best support you.

The coaches are certified and have appropriate qualifications and experience in their respective fields.

You must be registered as unemployed or threatened with unemployment and be able to demonstrate a need for support. In addition, you should have reasons for the voucher ready.

The Employment Agency supports you in applying for the AVGS and selecting a suitable coach by pointing to platforms such as ours. It also monitors the progress of your coaching and wants a report from us at the end of the coaching on what we have achieved together.

It is always helpful if the coach receives comprehensive information and documents from you, such as resumes or business concepts you have already created. Especially for job coaching, certificates and qualification proofs are very helpful.

Many participants report improved job market opportunities, successful applications, and career reorientations. You can also find out what other coachees have reported and rated about us.

You will receive help with creating and optimizing your application documents, preparing for job interviews, and job search.

You need a computer or mobile device with internet access, as well as a webcam and a microphone. We are happy to help with the equipment.

Topics can include creating resumes and cover letters, preparing for job interviews, and job search strategies.

Job coaching topics can include career goal setting, job search, networking, and improving your professional skills.

The AVGS can cover various coaching measures, including job coaching, application coaching, start-up consulting, and migration coaching. But also life coaching, health coaching, or digital coaching are possible with us. In some cases, we also offer the option for the coach to come to your home. This is a holistic outreach coaching.

Depending on the capacity of the chosen coach and approval by the Jobcenter/Employment Agency, we plan for 10-14 days processing time until the coaching start.

You can find information on the net and our social media platforms. Whether Google or ProvenExpert, we are happy about positive feedback.

You can be coached online or at our locations. Use the filter function on our homepage to find the right location.

Anyone who is registered as unemployed or threatened with unemployment can apply for AVGS Coaching.

Travel costs can usually be claimed directly at the office using a special form.

Yes, you will continue to receive your regular benefits, such as unemployment benefits I or citizen’s income, during the coaching.

Usually, you will receive a certificate of attendance or a certificate after completing the coaching.