To get an activation and placement voucher (AVGS), you have to meet certain requirements. Here are some general conditions:

  1. Unemployment: You must be registered as unemployed and receive benefits according to the German Social Code (SGB) II, i.e. unemployment benefit I or II (Bürgergeld). (Sometimes it is enough to be threatened with unemployment, e.g. because you have been laid off or are threatened with being laid off).
  2. Integration agreement: You should have concluded an integration agreement with your Job Centre. This agreement regulates the joint steps and measures for integration into the labour market or the introduction to self-employment.
  3. Counselling interview: You should have a personal counselling interview with your employment officer at the job centre (this can also be done by
    telephone). They will check whether you are suitable for the AVGS and whether it can help to improve your chances of employment. We are also happy to
    provide support here.
  4. Community of need: If you live in a community of need, the other members of the community of need must also meet the requirements for the AVGS.
  5. It can also be helpful to communicate with your case worker at the office, e.g. via the BA app or the Job Centre.

It is important to note that the exact requirements for the AVGS can vary depending on the federal state, employment agency or job centre. It is advisable to contact your local job centre or employment agency directly for specific information and requirements. We are also happy to help you prepare for this. We can support you, for example, with an application for the AVGS.