Legal options for obtaining an activation and placement voucher (AVGS) in Germany


The Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) is an important instrument of employment promotion in Germany that helps jobseekers to orient themselves professionally and improve their chances on the labor market. This article explains the legal requirements and the process for obtaining an AVGS.

What is an AVGS?

An AVGS is a voucher issued by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) or the job centers. It enables jobseekers to take part in activation and professional integration measures. Eligible measures include coaching, job application support, further training and placement by private employment agencies.

Legal basis

The legal basis for the AVGS is set out in Section 45 of the German Social Code (SGB) III. This paragraph regulates the requirements and the scope of the support provided by the Federal Employment Agency. The following points are particularly important:

Target group

The AVGS is aimed at unemployed people, jobseekers threatened by unemployment and people who want to reorient themselves professionally.

Discretionary scope

The approval of an AVGS is at the discretion of the advisor at the employment agency or job center. There is no legal entitlement to the voucher, but the advisors are encouraged to consider the individual needs and labor market opportunities of the applicant.

Requirements for applying for an AVGS

In order to receive an AVGS, certain requirements must be met:

1. registration as unemployed and counseling

The applicant must be registered as a jobseeker or unemployed with the employment agency or job center.

A consultation with a responsible advisor is required to determine the individual need and suitability for a measure.

2. individual need

There must be a proven need for vocational integration measures. This may be due to a lack of qualifications, a lack of application strategies or long periods of unemployment, for example.

The application process

The process for obtaining an AVGS comprises several steps:

1. counseling interview

The individual support needs of the applicant are determined during the consultation. The advisor checks whether the requirements for an AVGS are met and which measures are suitable.

2. application

The application for an AVGS can be made verbally or in writing. All relevant information on professional qualifications and previous measures should be provided.

3. examination and approval

The employment agency or job center reviews the application and decides whether to approve the AVGS. The decision is based on individual needs and the available funding.

Selection of measures

An AVGS can be used for various measures, including, for example

Coaching and application support:

Support with the preparation of application documents and preparation for job interviews.

Assistance with setting up a business (introduction to self-employment. E.g. with the optimization of a business plan.

Further training and qualification: Participation in courses and training to acquire missing qualifications or to deepen existing knowledge.

Placement through private employment agencies: Support in the job search through private placement agencies.

Validity and redemption of the AVGS

Once approved, the AVGS has a limited period of validity, which is noted on the voucher. The voucher must be redeemed with an approved provider within this period. It is important to look for suitable providers in good time and to redeem the voucher within the deadline.


The Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) is a valuable instrument for supporting jobseekers in Germany. Due to the legal basis in SGB III § 45 and the structured application process, the AVGS offers a wide range of opportunities for professional integration and further training. Jobseekers should seek advice from their employment agency or job center at an early stage in order to take advantage of the best funding opportunities. More also at


Published On: 25. July 2024 / Categories: Uncategorized /