“Let me be the change I’m seeking”
(Mike Love)
Be the change you want to see
Hi, I’m Svenja – certified master coach (life, business, conflict and systemic coaching), workshop facilitator, teacher, project manager, filmmaker, design thinker, tango dancer, entrepreneur, seeker, traveller and much more.
I have known change in my life and how it feels to uncover the professional path of your life bit by bit with curiosity, setbacks, resilience and finally success. Dealing with phases of adversity and disorientation, but also developing faith in yourself. To demonstrate perseverance, to stand by yourself again and again and to do so better each time. Allowing yourself to be visible and outgrowing yourself in the process. My greatest wish is to support you in opening inner spaces and doors and transforming limiting thoughts into surprising, sustainable solutions on the outside.
I have been coaching people for four years, both as a permanent employee and as a freelancer, who are going through the following processes or would like to work on:
- create meaningful life visions
- develop a creative mind-set that is open for change
- strengthen their professional identity
- transform an idea close to the heart or soul into a business
- connect more strongly with their own purpose
- reorient themselves professionally and/or privately
- increase self-confidence
- develop a professional stance
- career planning
- building routines and structure
- Living their personal responsibility
- resolve conflicts more constructively
- communicate more connected and with more clarity
- understand and change their own patterns
- accepting setbacks and emerging stronger from them
- being accountable and committed
- live more freely, courageously and creatively
- feel more independent from the opinions of others
- finding equilibrium
- making peace with your own sensitivity
- feeling more connected
How do I work?
In addition to focussing on getting to know you as a person and listening to your personal story, I want to work with you to find your goals, challenges and resources. Good questions are often the most powerful tool. I also like to use a wide range of methods, depending on what suits you and your coaching goal. I draw from a pool of classic coaching tools as well as methods from design thinking, life design, project management, bodywork, creative and artistic work and mindful living practices. I very much appreciate the approach of design thinking and life design, which assume that there are sustainable, meaningful solutions even for tricky challenges if you get to the bottom of the underlying needs. Other values that I share and promote are curiosity, a willingness to act, courage, exploration, honesty, patience and resilience. I see coaching as a safe space in which you can learn to understand yourself better, think in new ways and try things out. Some of my favourite tools are
- the 3 lives odyssey
- using images to enter the sub-concious for solution seeking
- constellation work with figures
- the Disney chair
- Mind Maps
- learning to distinguish between anchor and gravity problems
- reframing
- the inner team
- learning connected communication (non-violent communication & more)
- the conflict navigator
- the staged portrait
- the suitcase of beliefs
My professional specialisations
job coaching / orientation coaching / leadership coaching / life coaching or business coaching / mindset coaching, vision coaching
Last but not least
Even though I focus on courage and curiosity, I know that some things take time and that feeling into your emotions and letting them be a part of the process is also important. Let’s find out together which step is the right one for you at the moment. I look forward to getting to know you!
Request to Svenja Klüh